Monday, November 16, 2009


I have this mp3 player, but I can't put videos on it. I was able to put songs and pictures on it just fine, but I can't put videos on it. Please don't tell me I can't put videos on it because mp3s only play music. This mp3 player can play videos. When I bought it, it came with two videos that I later deleted. You can even look it up yourself, and you'll find out that it supports mpeg4. It's a Samsung YP-T9J. I would convert the videos to mpeg4, but windows media claimed not to be able to put on the mp3 player. If I didn't convert it, only the audio would be on my device. I once used a different program to put videos on my mp3 player, but it claimed that my device wouldn't allow it to go through or something like that. Please tell me what I can do to put videos on this mp3. Do I need a different program?

I think you're missing some codecs on your pc. Install this:

and see if you can transfer your video files. Lastly check your conversion specs. Samsung suggests: Video Resolution: 208x176, Frame Rate: 15fps

Here's a free converter (download at the bottom):
Reply:if it didnt come with a converter or some sort of software then try online or somethin look for a converter

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